Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Monday, July 6, 2009

Gateway Drug - Boatz & Babiez

They say marijuana is the gateway drug to other drugs. I don't do drugs.. but I do twitter. I believe that twitter is the gateway blogger. Or micro-blogger.


Point is.. I have been a fairly consistent "tweeter" and I believe that I can develop these habits (or vices?) into something a little more substantial.

Here's what I got. I'm going to make this quick and simple. Two or three things that I got goin' on, and a picture to accompany each item. Easy enough. And heck, maybe one day I'll be able to write fantastically deep blog entries like that of Glen Smallman. But until then - I'd like to introduce you to..

It seems like just about any time I catch up with an old friend I havn't seen in a few months.. I'm usually saying the same 2 or 3 things. My goal is to make my blog posts replicate these conversations. Short and sweet.

Here we go!

1. I'm going to be a Dad

This one obviously takes the cake. Just over two months ago, we found out that Kara is pregnant. Pretty awesome! It's weird because as the weeks go on, it has slowly started to sink in that I am actually going to be a dad. I'm not so nervous about diapers and stuff. I think I got that covered. I'm more worried and humbled that I am going to be taking on a role that is so incredibly important in the life of another human being. I pray that I am able to love with the love of my heavenly Father.

2. I'm On A Boat

YEAH! I just got back from a sweeeet trip to Santa Barbara where the Showit crew went on a sweet party boat. It was really great getting a chance to hang out with everyone face to face. It's really refreshing to be reminded that I am a part of something that doesn't only exist on the interwebs. We really are one big family!

There you go. Boatz & Babiez. TOP THAT.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

LIfe working at home

So I work from home. Or wherever else I go with my laptop. But usually home. I'm downstairs working today because it's my day to watch Zoey (my golden retriever puppy). Anyways.. since I'm down here, I've been watching the TV. It's pretty hilarious because all of the commercial are targeted to one of three groups: retired senior citizens, stay at home moms, or lazy kids who should be in college.

Because of this.. you see commercials for things like.. Denture glue, Centrum, Diapers (for babies and adults), Gerber baby food and ITT Tech.

So far.. this one's my favorite:

The founder of Hoveround's name is Tom Kruze! That's funny for so many reasons!

Just be careful.. (watch the background closely at 52 seconds)

Friday, October 17, 2008


Hey internets. I am married. It's pretty stinkin' cool too. I'll spare the details.. but praise be to God for this union of marriage and for a beautiful, God fearing wife. :)

Our wedding photos are available for online ordering and checkin' out at our photographer's online photo store, located here. He also posted a blog entry of our wedding at his blog, which is located here. When ordering, please note that the online versions have a logo stamped on them in the lower left corner, but when you order prints they won't have that.

So check em out and even order a few if you want. He did a really great job.

Smells Like Cow

I just picked up the new ESV Study Bible.

This thing is nuts! The notes for each verse take up nearly half the page and the thing weighs at least 20 pounds. Not really. But it is heavy. Oh and it's bonded leather so it smells like farm animals. It is also super practical for me right now. I was studying last night for a Biblical Backgrounds test and I was really able to utilize some of the great maps and articles that the Bible has.

We were talking about a pretty cool concept in my Biblical Backgrounds class that I wanted to blog about. We're going through Inter-Testmental culture and we were talking about how important family and your lineage was back then. In modern American culture, someone can have a terrible upbringing, and go on to do incredible things. We aren't limited by the geographical location and economic circumstances that we are placed in by our parents. Back then it wasn't quite like this. You basically did what your father did and would be judged and categorized by your family name. The reason knowing all of this is so important is so that we can fully comprehend the amount that Jesus shook these people up when he started his ministry.

I never realized the importance of Matthew 1:1-17 until now. Our teacher told us that this genealogy is so very important because when a Jewish person sees this, they see in big bold letters "..the son of David, the son of Abraham." Jesus is King! Jesus is King! Jesus is King!

This was huge! He was from the royal line of David! And he's talking to a Samaritan woman? And healing on the Sabbath? Whoa whoa..

It really helped me read the scripture differently and realize the weight of what Jesus did in His ministry. How He, without sin, completely shook up the way things were. It really makes you realize why so many hated Him and wanted Him crucified.

And so, through Christ Jesus.. we now have a new heritage. Because He died, we can be welcomed into the family of Christ. We can be Sons and Daughters of the Most High King of the universe. That's some real powerful heritage. It also really makes me think about how I treat my brothers and sisters in Christ. My love for them really should abound as I realize how closely bonded we are in this new family.

Some good stuff to think about, eh? Thanks Professor Klink :)

Oh and here's a picture of my dog Zoey and a baby. Blogs are always more fun when there are pictures involved.